Tag Archive for: watercolor

Getting into a “Grove”: Acrylic Techniques at Play

I've been pretty fascinated with the work of David Grove and Bernie Fuchs for quite some time now. Back in art school I coveted my issue of "Illustration #15" flipping through it's vibrant pages

Transcending Transit

There is nothing I hate more than being bored. Holiday traveling always means an excruciating amount of waiting in line, in terminals, in planes, utterly uninspired, to say the least.

Watercolor Life Drawing- A Fetish

Yes, it's true, nothing gets me more excited then Tuesday or Thursday night drawing sessions. Seriously, it has all my favorite things; wine, music, artsy people, and most importantly

Bil Donovan Fashion Illustration Demo

In case you didn't know, fashion illustration rocks my freaking world. I tend to choose consumer products based on artwork. Illustration communicates a mood the product is

Sorolla on My Mind-Studies in Spanish

Itching to paint, I thought I'd try some studies in watercolor and gouache from some of the photos I took in Spain. The point of these studies is not to copy, but to loosen the strokes

Designer Label Chaser

I was recently commissioned to design an art label for a new beer flavor "Nixie" by Mr. Penguin Brewery. The mood of this enticing beer:

Watercolor Fashion Sketches

You can usually find me Thursday nights at the Society of Illustrators Jazz and drawing doodling these:

Beautiful Sad Girl Sketches

It's aboot time I put up some sketches der hey... So here are some beautiful sad girl sketches cuz that's what happens when I push pencils around.


I am still playing with this gouache wipe out technique. Oh, what a glutton for punishment I am. So here is Wolverine. Why Wolverine you say? How can I resist that face?! "Grrrrr"