A Look in My Book: The New Flapper

The New Flapper

A Look in My Book: Spring Pastels and Transparent Layers

Spring Pastels and Transparent Layers

Masters of “ARTiculture” @ the Philadelphia Horticulture Show

The first day of Spring is here. The weather is still a little frosty in New York City, but an early March weekend in Philadelphia for the horticulture show sure put a "spring" in my step.

Life Drawing: Evoking the Arrival of Spring

This winter is probably the snowiest and coldest I've seen since moving to NYC nine years ago. That's not to say it's at all similar to anything I endured growing up in Wisconsin

Chaos Assembled: Kris Kuksi “Revival”

Such a busy and frantic time of year! Why shouldn't one of my awesome, freaky, creative friends pop out of the wood work to drag me from my endless list of things to do to see

Jean Paul Gaultier: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk

Said Jean Paul Gaultier the night of Brooklyn Museum's Conversation with Jean Paul Gaultier lead by curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot. He continued to tell a story of how, as a child

Garrott Designs 2014 “Painted Ladies” Calendar

Now available for your eyes only, to brighten up your walls at home and at work: The Garrott Designs 2014 "Painted Ladies" Calendar is now available for purchase. We now have

The Visions of George Stavrinos Exhibition

I am constantly seeking opportunities to visit art shows of all kinds to glean all that I can standing before an original work. Amazingly, I also get a vibe about

Well-Read Women

Fashion Illustration; I go bonkers over it. So when I heard that one of my favorite illustrators, Samantha Hahn was doing a book signing at Rizzoli Bookstore, I high tailed it over after work to meet her.

Film Noir: A Painting Demo

Man it’s been a busy arty year so far! I just got back from Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 2 in Kansas City . It was an inspiring trip that reaffirmed my desire to get more painterly with my work.

Sketchy Adventures with Cartoon People at the Natural History Museum NYC

It's been a long time since I've been to the Natty Mu, I use to sketch there pretty often but somehow my inner child got lost in the Big Apple and I've been doing other things, I guess.

Things to do in Kansas City when you’re LIVE

I will be exhibiting at Spectrum Live 2 in Kansas City MO May 17-19th. The event grew out of the renowned annual SPECTRUM: THE BEST IN CONTEMPORARY FANTASTIC ART.

Impressionism or Expressionism? It’s All Good (Friday)

Last Good Friday I took you shopping in Brooklyn where we found pretty little things and meandered on a walk of self discovery through the street (art).

Stop and Smell the Horticulture

Spring just can't get here fast enough and I don't know about you, but I'm getting cabinet fever, yes, I said cabinet. Sure, there is plenty of work to keep me indoors, 3 paintings

New Year Fashion Drawing Session: Audrey Hepburn

I can't think of a better way to ring in the new year than at the Society of Illustrators with "Would You Rock This" and drawing Audrey Hepburn as muse. After all the parties and gatherings