Night Clubbin-Look #4 2-for-1

Nickki and I are 'young, broke and fabulous' and if we wanna get into a swank club in NYC for free we gotta look the part. Girl's night out is a blast so here is how we roll NYC

Diagnosable Creative Disorder

As I go back and forth between my design studio and my art studio there is a persistent feeling in the back of my mind. The voice in my head gets louder and louder until I finally stop and notice.

Fashion Comics

I started "Fashion Comics" as a creative exercise using collage, fashion swipes and found items to tell a story. "She Felt Like an Experiment..." is about getting dressed on Monday mornings

Weekend Warrior-Garrott Look #3

Wooohoooo, it's the weekend and you've got big plans girl! From morning to night you'll be running errands, doing some shopping, brunching with the girls, dinner with the BF and then a show.

“New Machines” Phil Noto Show NYC

I had the pleasure of meeting Phil and other awesome guests at 2011 Gigacon. Talking paint, movies, and music is how we unwind after the day of demos, portfolio critiques


I am still playing with this gouache wipe out technique. Oh, what a glutton for punishment I am. So here is Wolverine. Why Wolverine you say? How can I resist that face?! "Grrrrr"

Casual Friday-Wear Garrott to Work

Last Week Nickki at Wild as a Mink but Sweet as Soda Pop showed us how to pretty up the Garrott Tee. We all love that, but some times a Tee is a Tee, we want comfort, and so enters Casual Friday

Game Day Style

So it's game day and if you're like me it is seriously not fun to sit around for 3 or 4 hours watching people scream at the TV. But you wanna hang with the guys so what can you do?

How to Rock the Garrott Tee

The new Garrott Tee shirts are FINALLY here and we couldn't be more excited. Style is everything and a tee shirt doesn't have to be a dress-down go to the store kinda thing.